SASS: My thoughts on what makes YOU beautiful…


FORGET the fakery, forget the pursuit of perfection, when it comes to lasting ‘beauty’, it’s your uniqueness that stands you apart from others.

That makes YOU special. That makes YOU beautiful.

Forget what the media and advertising executives want you to believe, real beauty is so much more than skin deep.

Example? Have you ever been bowled over by a visually stunning person in real life only to see their beauty diminish before your very eyes as you find out they’re actually rather dull or pretty unpleasant?

This is because the way you look is only a tiny part of what makes you beautiful. The rest has to come from the inside. From the very core of your being.

Corny? Perhaps, but yet totally true.

Think of the people you know who you consider to be beautiful and for a moment, forget about their style, their luscious hair or prettiness and look a little deeper.

My guess is that it’ll be something else, something perhaps that you might not even be able to put your finger on, that makes them stand apart in your mind.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a total advocate for making the most of ourselves and looking our best. We all look and more importantly, feel better, with a bit of spit and polish.

But true beauty isn’t something that can be created with a slick of lipstick or a bottle of the finest fake tan.

No, no, no. This can only really come from you character, your joie de vivre, your spirit.

Think of yourself as a beautifully wrapped present. Yes you want the packaging to look lovely and enticing but the real value of you, the actual present, lies inside not out.

It’s the happiness in your face when you laugh, the twinkle in your eyes when you’re thinking something naughty, the compassion when you smile warmly at someone, the movement in your body when you dance.


* Showcase your imperfections, don’t hide them.

* Celebrate your age, don’t fear it. Age does NOT define us, but it will if you let it.

* Be proud of who you are but humble enough to be gracious.

* Appreciate your body and be thankful – yes thankful – for what you have been given.

* Be kind to yourself. Only show yourself love and respect.

* Stop comparing yourself to others.

* Realise that life is too short to chase perfection and that actually, it’s in imperfection where outstanding beauty lies.

* Enjoy life so much that it’s written all over your face! I’d rather have a face full of well deserved laughter lines any day than be a bitter-faced misery scared of cracking a smile. Wouldn’t you?

* Rejoice in all that makes you, YOU (Including the bits you don’t like).

Till the next time, know that you ARE indeed beautiful.



The picture above is of a precious drawing created by my niece when I was pregnant over a year ago. Why have I used it? Because it was a time in my life when I looked a million miles away from perfection but yet felt totally and utterly beautiful. Thank you Ella x

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15 Discussions on
“SASS: My thoughts on what makes YOU beautiful…”
  • Just what I needed today! I was feeling a tad insecure and lost as I try and carve a life and career in Australia. As usual Katie has her finger on the pulse of the modern woman and I pleased to have her as my friend. She’s one of those beautiful woman inside and out; her sparkle and wisdom is infectious, making me empowered and ready to dust off my heels, straighten my spine, smile and go get ’em! X

    • If Carlsberg wrote comments…. :)

      Seriously my brave, lovely friend, your words have well and truly brightened my day. Thank you so much.

      We all get insecure at times but you wonderful Rae, have nothing to fear. As Samantha once said to Carrie in Sex & The City, “your fabulousness will translate.”

      Go and grab that Aussie life you have so dreamed of. It’s yours my lovely x

      P.S Miss you x

  • Well Rae Kelly I couldn’t have put that in a better way, Kate is my daughter in law and I always say it to everyone including herself that she is not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. She has a beautiful manner about her and values absolutely everything even the picture her little niece drew her when she was expecting Elsie, instead of putting it in a drawer and forgetting about it! I agree entirely Kate you can have a beautiful woman or handsome man but absolutely no personality so yes beauty doesn’t only come from looks. Love reading your blogs Kate they are always written from the heart. XXX

    • Thank you Janine as always for your unwavering support and ridiculously kind words. I am very blessed to have such a caring Mother In Law. Much love x

  • Don’t forget a sense of humour! To be able to laugh at yourself and find fun and humour in everyday things keeps life from getting boring! No one looks unattractive when they laugh or smile! X

  • Great Post, I totally agree! Natural beauty shines through our actions and our words. As soon as you start living a beautiful life and become happy and confident with who you are, a more beautiful version of yourself is revealed.
    It’s a shame I wasted so much money on lotions and potions before I figured this one out!

    • Thanks Rachael! Love your sentence about ‘as soon as you start living a beautiful life’, because it proves that we have a choice!

      Unfortunately I think we are conditioned as young girls and women that we are NOT enough when in actual fact we are more than good enough! Hence the spending on lotions and potions! ;-) x

  • Yes, yes, yes and YES! Yes.
    So right, and teaching our daughters self love from the inside out is so important too.

    • Thanks Jo and yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you about teaching our daughter’s self love. If there is nothing else I achieve as a mum to Elsie, but this, I will die happy :) x

  • Katie, I absolutely love this post! Us women have so much pressure heaped on us to look a certain way, to conform to a ‘perfect’ ideal which doesn’t exist, has never exist and never will exist!

    It is so important that young girls realise that there are so many other ways to be beautiful. Your intelligence, kindness and learning to love yourself go so much further in life and we should be embracing this, rather than ‘outer beauty’.

    Every woman is beautiful in her own right and us (and, more importantly, the media) should promote role models who support this view.

    In the same manner, a whole host of women – regardless of age, race, skin, size and shape – are beautiful too. We need to support every ideal of beauty out there and hope the next generation is much more accepting.

    Sam xxx

    P.S Love the new blog look!

    • Thanks Sam! Love your comment about how there are so many other ways ‘to be’ beautiful.

      And I agree, that every woman is beautiful in her OWN right. I just wish, and hope, that all women start to appreciate their own beauty, stop comparing themselves to others and honour who they are.

      There’s only one me, only one you etc. It’s about time we took a leaf out of our men’s book and start realising how awesome we all are and how we all have something to give.


  • Anothet great post! I could read your blog all night Katie, it’s fab!! The power of you is a wonderful thing, as long as you truly believe in it xx

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