Tag inspiring women


SHAKESPEARE once said: “All the world’s a stage”. And I happen to think he’s right. But what about our stages? The places where we shine. The places where we feel at home. The places where we come alive. Have you found yours yet? It’s a funny question to ask granted, but bear with me. Because the inspiration for this post came from the absolute legend that is Oprah and well, if

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“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

It’s time for #wisdominheels

SO, this week I decided to launch a new ‘thang’, just a little thing, a mini project if you like. For those of you who have missed it on my social media accounts, in a nutshell, I have decided to start a daily task in which every day I will share some words of wisdom. But not just any ol’ wisdom. Nope. Wisdom that only comes from the lips, minds

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Six things women can learn from my two year old daughter

THE greatest mentor I have in my life currently is a two year old girl. My two year old girl in fact. Elsie, my beautiful daughter. I always used to think, before I became a Mum, that a parent was the only one to teach in a parent / child relationship. But I was wrong, because amazingly Elsie teaches me as much about life and myself, as I do her.

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Remembering Hugo & supporting #HugosLegacy

TODAY’S post is dedicated to a special little boy called Hugo. And to his Mummy Leigh – a blogging friend of mine, a courageous mama and a truly inspiring woman. ———- Every so often in life you come across a story or a person who touches your heart and this is very much the case with Leigh and Hugo. Whilst pregnant with Hugo, Leigh suffered from HELLP syndrome – a devastating

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EVERYWHERE I turn, everywhere I look, I am surrounded by inspiring women. Extraordinary women.Women who have survived and thrived against the odds. Women who achieve the most incredible things. Women who continually strive to be their best. So many women in my life inspire me and make me want to be better, from my mum to my three sisters, to my mother in law to my best friends. All of

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