A WHILE ago now, I wrote a post which really seemed to ‘hit the spot’ for so many of you.

It was a post about the only list that I love. A list that has helped to transform my life and one that I believe can help to do the same for you too.

I call it my ‘non negotiable’ list.

The response was just incredible, with many bloggers getting involved, writing their own version of the list. (*I’ll be sharing as many as I can / that I’m aware of at the bottom of this post so stay tuned if you’re after some inspiration!)

To be honest I didn’t expect the post to receive quite the reaction that it did, however I am overjoyed that so many ‘got it’.

Part of the reason I think the post has been so successful is because my ‘list’ takes away all the guilt of having to do stuff whilst making you realise what makes you happy and what doesn’t.

It forces you to look at areas in your life that could do with some improvement and enables you to identify the ones in your life that are as great as they are.

And the real beauty of it, is that you include exactly what YOU want.

Because the non-negotiables list isn’t about anybody’s life but your own. It’s not about trying to live like someone else or copying someone else’s approach.

It’s about YOU. What speaks to you. What makes you joyous. What makes you miserable (and how to try and stop it).

It’s been a fair few months since I wrote the original post and my original non negotiable list has already changed! But that’s OK, because it will. And it’s supposed to.

Personally, I’m trying to sit down at least once a month or so, with a pen and a paper (and glass of plonk) to go through it, to make some changes to make sure that it still works for me.

If you can find a spare ten minutes or so, I’d advise the same as it’s great to keep on track.

And if  you haven’t created your own non negotiable list yet or fancy giving yours a bit of a revamp, than help is at hand because I’ve created this very simple (but hopefully rather nice) downloadable sheet that you can fill in at your leisure!

Print it out. Read the original post. Take a look at some other posts below for inspiration. And then get cracking!

Think about your life. Think about what you love. Think about what you need to improve. Then fill it in and if you like, pin it up somewhere where you can see it.

It won’t magically improve your life overnight but it will and can, make you feel a whole lot happier and purposeful. That I promise.


*Thanks to all the lovely bloggers who got involved and created their own negotiable list and a very special thank you to Lucy from Hello Beautiful Bear who so kindly shared my post and idea and got the whole ball rolling.

And here’s a list of some non-negotiable lists! (If you’re a blogger and I’ve somehow missed you off the list, feel free to get in touch and I’ll add you.) 

Hello Beautiful Bear / Sons, Sand & Sauvignon / Kelly And The Kids / Mummy On My Mind / The Mummy Stylist / Mrs SRS 1987 / Goblin Child /Yogaberry / You Baby Me Mummy /Budding Smiles / Mummy & Monkeys / Hi Baby / Parenthood Highs & Lows/ Suburban Mum


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