I HAD great plans to do a lovely little gender video like so many of my favourite bloggers have done in the past.

But to be honest, I’m far too excited to share our wonderful, happy news so I’m going to let you know in the post instead as I’m just dying to blab and can’t keep it in for much longer!

This morning, we headed to the hospital for our 20 week anomaly scan (this pregnancy is going so fast!) with both Elsie and my Mum in tow, a little nervous, very excited and for the first time in our lives, eager to find out the sex of our baby.

When I was pregnant with Elsie, from day one, we always knew that we wanted to have a surprise.

We were both so happy, grateful and elated to be pregnant after years of trying that we didn’t care either way what sex our baby was nor did we care to know. All we wanted was for it to be healthy.

This time around, the sex of our child still wasn’t important and again all we wanted- and still want -is for it to be healthy.

But unlike before, this time we did care about finding out the sex and wanted to do things a bit differently. And so we decided right from the beginning that we would find out if we were having a boy or girl.

The scan itself was a magical experience as we had the most wonderful sonographer who turned out to be an ex pupil from my husband’s early teaching days!

As many of you will know, the anomaly scan takes quite a while to perform as it’s so thorough, as the sonographer looks for any abnormalities and checks vital organs such as the heart, bladder and kidneys to see if your baby is developing properly.

And ours was no different.

Apart from this time, our lovely sonographer showed us everything in much more detail and really explained everything to us, as she captured shot after shot of our beautiful baby.

With Elsie, I can vividly remember her being tricky to look at, as she constantly wriggled and moved about, being somewhat of a challenge for the sonographer on duty that day!

But today was a completely different experience as our baby ‘performed’ perfectly. “This baby is quite the poser!” said the sonographer. She definitely had a point!

After being given the all clear and told that our baby is developing perfectly at this stage (the words every parent to be is desperate to hear) we were then asked if we wanted to be told the sex, to which smiling, we both said yes.

Just to go back in time for a moment, earlier this year in February, I had a skype chat with one of the UK’s leading mediums who predicted (amongst many other things) that I would be pregnant very soon and also told me what sex the baby would be.

Amazingly and much to my surprise, she got the month of conception spot on.

But did she get the sex right?

Well yes, yes she did!

Because today at our 20 week scan we were told that our parental instinct and her prediction were right and that we are indeed having a BOY!

A boy!

Oh boy, oh boy!

There really was no mistaking the gender of our little one much to my husband’s amusement and after I shed a few incredibly happy tears, it was time to call Elsie and my Mum into the room to share the news with them.

Elsie was so excited to see her big brother on screen and much to her delight, the sonographer also managed to capture him sticking his tongue out too, which she of course loved.

And then it was time to break the news.

Would our girl who has longed for a sister for so long, be happy with the news that she is – all being well – going to have a little brother?

“It’s a boy”! I said and braced myself for her reaction.

But we needn’t have worried. Elsie squealed with delight, her little face shining with happiness, making everyone in the room a little teary eyed.

And so here he is. Our little boy.



The medium said he would come and he has!

We can now only hope and pray that our boy continues to grow and thrive.



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