Five easy ways to improve your relationship with food

Five easy ways to improve your relationship with food

Super berries – a plate for Elsie and a bowl for me.

LAST week I spoke about the little changes I was making to my diet and lifestyle, after my Christmas binge out.

And to report back quickly, guess what my beauties? Yep, those teeny tiny adjustments I’ve introduced have already made a difference.

I’ve lost a little bit of weight – I don’t know how much as I never weigh myself but I can tell from my face and the way my clothes are fitting. The husband also informed me that my bottom is ‘definitely smaller’ ;-) (Thanks my love.)

I’m also sleeping better and I’ve lost that horrid groggy feeling you get when you’ve drank too much booze and indulged in too many pork pies, for far too long.

So yep, I’m feeling much perkier right now and much more like me at my best. Hurrah!

To help me keep it up, and to give us all a middle of the month boost, I chatted to Hannah from Wise Choice Nutrition to find out how we can improve our relationship with food this year, and feel happier and healthier as a result.

Here are some easy ways we can help make 2015 the year we reach our health goals. Over to you Hannah! x


1. The first step to changing your relationship with food is working out what you want to change.

What would you like to achieve? Not just losing weight but what other benefits would you like to see such as more energy, improved wellbeing or a better relationship with food?


2. Work out what causes you to eat apart from meals.

Is it stress/comfort? Habit? Boredom? Finishing up the kids meals? Once you identify why you over eat, start thinking of strategies you could use to help this.


3. Keep a food diary and write down every single thing that you eat or drink.

It’s amazing how many things get forgotten and it can show up patterns with eating habits too. For example, eating the leftovers when you didn’t realise or always eating biscuits with a drink etc.


4. Stop telling yourself you’re on a diet or you want to lose weight.

Subconsciously if you lose something, you want to find it again and the same goes for weight loss. Talk in a positive tone about changing your lifestyle and health.

You need to work out if your head is in the right place for this to work. Speaking to a professional can help and if they are any good, they’ll recognise signs that it isn’t the right time for you.


5. Take a picture of yourself and do measurements at the beginning.

Sometimes, it can be hard to see the changes you’ve made but taking pictures will show how your skin, hair and shape have improved. Lifestyle changes are not just about weight loss but also about changing our body shapes or wanting to see an improvement in other aspects of health.

Changing relationships with food takes time and effort with little changes being made gradually. Giving up everything at once can be too difficult for some people so make more manageable changes and record your achievements.

Women in particular are very harsh on themselves so make sure you have something to look forward to which is not food or drink related e.g. pampering. You may find the help of a professional can offer you the support needed and advise you on what is actually a healthy choice.

For more information visit or give the lovely Hannah a call on 07912 556470. Thanks so much Hannah! x


What do you think of Hannah’s super tips? I must say I’m liking the sound of a food diary as I know I’m always picking at Elsie’s leftovers (!) and I love Hannah’s advice about pampering. Any excuse ey? As always I love to hear your thoughts.

With love,



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9 Discussions on
“Five easy ways to improve your relationship with food”
  • Fab tips there chick, I think you have to find what’s right for your body and lifestyle-test foods out and keeping a food diary helps.

    I know I feel so much better when I cut wheat out, we have a history of wheat intolerance in the family and we’ve limited it for the kids too with great results.

    I think it’s important to be kind to yourself too but also know when to give yourself a kick up the butt. Some tough self-love. I know I feel my best when I make the effort to exercise regularly and eat well. Lovely, inspiring post, thanks Kate and Hannah x

    • Agreed darling! Def going to keep a food diary, so many people swear by it. I’ve also noticed that since cutting out the booze 4 days a week, I feel much happier in the morning. Last weekend when I woke up after having just a couple of glasses of wine, I felt rough! Don’t want to give up my wine altogether but it’s def made me realise I’m doing the best thing by cutting back on it. And yes being kind to yourself is key – I refuse to ever talk about my body in negative terms, especially because Elsie is now around. X

  • Great round up! I really do have to monitor my food intake so that I don’t emotionaly eat. I am also hypothyroid and anaemic so energy levels fluctuate regularly meaning I crave certain foods. Been ok so far though x

    • Thanks Lorna! Lots of people say monitoring their food really helps so I’m going to give it a shot. I guess it’s all about being more ‘mindful’ about what we eat x

  • Great tips! I don’t need to lose weight but I have a pretty heinous crisp-eating habit which I really need to work on (speaking to a heart surgeon who said they are his no. 1 BAD food that people shouldn’t eat!) x

  • I always am at war with food since I can remember and this is my goal this year. To not be intimidated by food and hopefully have a nicer outlook about it. Thanks for the tips =) #brillblogposts

  • Wise words as always darling, I was the same, I put on weight over Christmas but it didn’t upset me, we need more warmth when it’s cold don’t we and that’s exactly what it says in my Eat Pretty book too! Having PCOS means not being able to balance my blood sugar so I limit sugar and follow a balanced diet fairly low carb way of eating staying away from white carbs and focusing on pulses, beans, lots of fish and seafood, fruit and veg. It’s about moderation and not obsession (in stark contrast to my teenage years) odd treats are important too. Loved this. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

  • These are great tips. I do need to try to look at what I want to change indeed, as I just said lose so many pounds, but what is it about those extra pounds that makes me want to lose them? Number four is also great: you’re not on a diet, you’re taking good care of you. I needed this post right now as I’m working on my recovery from binge eating. via @honestmum

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