AS a total bookworm, I cannot get enough of the little devils.

Books, that is.

I dream of my house, one day, being some kind of gigantic library. So far I’ve still got some way to go with this, but I’m getting there. A woman on an important mission, I’m sure you’ll agree.

In my house there are bookcases and piles of books in every room. Some books I could probably do with passing on or ditching, others are sentimental and then? Then there are the other ones.

The golden ones. The ones most sacred.

These are the books I read time and time again. Because the words within the pages hold me spellbound. Because they inspire. Because they make me feel all the kind of feels.

If you fancy a book splurge this weekend (any excuse right?!) here are my current top ten ‘buy ’em, keep ’em and treasure ’em’ kind of books. Enjoy!


  1. Linchpin by Seth Godin. This must be the fifth mention for this book on my blog and I make no apologies for it, because this wee treasure of a book CHANGED MY LIFE. It gave me the kick up the butt I needed, when I needed it the most. If you’re stuck in a career or work rut, stop everything and just read this.
  2. Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. Proving that essentially us human beings are all the same, this book made me weep so many times. Packed with profound, wise and wonderful advice, keep this by your bedside and read when life feels tough.
  3. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. An essential book for anyone who’s a writer, blogger or creative. Especially if you’ve lost your mojo.
  4. Making A House Your Home by Clare Nolan. Just the best book for interiors I’ve ever come across, stuffed full of tips and inspiration. If you like making your home look pretty and giving it bags of character, you’ll love it.
  5. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë . I was late to the party when it came to this novel, discovering it at University, but the wait was worth it. One of my favourite books of all time. When I’m in need of a wordy treat, every few years I settle down and read this.
  6. Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. An absolute classic book to emerge from the holocaust. It will make you cry, spur you on and quite possibly change your life. If you haven’t read it yet, you absolutely must.
  7. Beyond The Cleavage by Raquel Welch. A bit of a bizarre choice it may seem but this book, part memoirs, part philosophy offers so much wisdom for us women. It’s a sassy, refreshing, feel good book by a woman for women and one I absolutely adore.
  8. The Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath. The only poetry I’ve ever truly loved and understood comes from this incredible women. This book features all of her best stuff.
  9. What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey. When it comes to hearing people’s stories, this heroine of mine must have heard them all. Here she shares everything she ‘knows for sure’. Just powerful, brilliant, thought provoking stuff.
  10. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare. If I had to choose one book to take with me on a desert island, it would always be this one. When I was 13 I was introduced to Romeo and Juliet at school and I knew then, from the feeling in the pit of my stomach, that I would only ever want to spend my life, writing and reading. This man understood what it is to be a human, more so than any other writer I have ever come across. You really just can’t get better, can you?


So that’s my top ten but which books make yours?! 

With love,






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7 Discussions on
  • Love 5, 8 and 10. My top 10 would include your number 10, plus On Writing by Stephen King, Frankenstein, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet, Curtain by Agatha Christie, Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett, The Inspector Calls/I Have Been Here Before by Priestley, The Dolls House by Ibsen and The Elusive Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy.

    • Ooooh Fi, I love this! Thanks so much for the list. Guess what kind of shopping i’m going to be doing this weekend ;-)

  • I would love to read 3 and 6. I am constantly reading, books are my love. Actually cookery books. I read them like novels, very rarely follow the recipes but use them for inspiration. Jane Austen for me all the way when it comes to novels, I struggle with reading Shakespeare, but then it was written as a script. Recently re-read to kill a mockingbird, which I studied for O’level and loved it all over again. Crumbs I’ll even read hubs Tog Gear mag if there’s nothing else on offer. Ooh forgot to mention Douglas Adams. I enjoy a good giggle as well. Sammie.

  • Fantastic list here hunny. I am always looking for those books I love reading over and over again. Big bookworm here too. I like the inspiring and motivational ones as much as the fiction thrillers and adventure ones. Thanks for sharing.

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